Budgies are quick learners,since they are from parrot families. As pets, they can learn to imitate human speech, do various tricks and use a droppings pan. The most important training, however, is to accustom the budgie to your presence and teach it to come to you. Budgies need time outside the cage every day, otherwise they become bored, and it is not wise to let a nervous budgie fly around. Building a relationship with your pet also makes budgie ownership a more rewarding experience. Once basic training is complete, you can also try teaching your pet to speak or other tricks.

  1. Allow a new budgie to settle in for a day or so without disturbance. A budgie needs time to adapt to a strange new environment.
  2. Approach the cage several times a day to accustom the budgie to your presence. Talk quietly and don't make sudden movements.
  3. Offer food treats, such as spray millet or a slice of fruit, in the palm of your hand. If the budgie is nervous about approaching you, drop the treat in the cage and come back later.
  4. Hand-feed the budgie once or twice a day. Let it climb onto your hand if it wants. 
  5. Stroke the budgie gently on its chest. Push its chest very slightly to encourage it to step onto your finger. 
  6. Make a specific noise before offering each treat and before replenishing the budgie's normal food. Whistling works well, because it sounds very different from normal conversation. This trains the bird to come when called, which is useful when you let it out of the cage. Once the bird is used to climbing onto your hand, it may come over when you simply hold out a finger. 
  7. Close all doors and windows leading to the room with the budgie cage. Let the budgie climb onto your hand and draw your hand out. Allow the budgie to explore the room. Call the budgie over to you once or twice and give it a treat. If it does not return to the cage of its own accord, call it over, let it climb on your hand, give it a treat and put it back it the cage. 
  8. Repeat the same phrase in the same tone during quiet times when the budgie is paying attention to you, if you want it to speak. Keep the phrase short and focus on one phrase at a time. Introduce a new phrase once the budgie starts repeating the old one. 

Tips & Warnings

  • Male budgies are more likely to imitate human speech than females, and normally you need to start speech training young. Some budgies never learn, although they might imitate other noises, such as phones ringing.    
  • Each stage of the training takes several days, sometimes longer. Be patient and do not rush things

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