How to Identify a Male Zebra Finch
A Male Zebra Finch
Zebra finches are small social birds which are also known as spotted-sided finches and chestnut-eared finches.
If you are planning to breed the finches or you would prefer to own a bird of a specific sex, it is important to understand how to sex these birds. Distinguishing zebra finch males from zebra finch females is a straightforward task that does not require any observation.


  1. Look at the beak. Male zebra finches have a striking red beak, while females have a lighter beak that is more orange in color. Juvenile males instead have a black beak.
  2. Look at the bird's face. Male zebra finches that are older than three months old have bright orange patches on their cheeks, while juvenile males and females lack this trait.
  3. Inspect the bird's throat. Male zebra finches have black stripes on their throats, while females have a bare throat that is a gray or buff color.
  4. Check the bird's chest, which is an inch below its beak. Male zebra finches have a horizontal black bar there, while females do not.
  5. Inspect the bird's coloration in general. Male zebra finches are on the whole more vibrantly colored than female finches.

Source: ehow
Author: Suzanna Hulmes

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