Cockatiels are among the most popular birds to keep in a home because of their friendly disposition and their relative trainability. In the wild, these birds live in pairs, and cockatiels in captivity similarly tend to be happier with a companion. Owning multiple cockatiels poses some unique challenges, though, and requires extra work. But the companionship the birds provide each other can reduce behavioral problems and make the birds more social with humans, and less destructive.
- Introduce the birds to one another. Cockatiels can be territorial; they might panic if an interloper suddenly enters their space, so take the introductions slowly. Keep the birds in separate cages -- and far enough apart that they cannot peck each other through the wires -- until they have become completely accustomed to one another. Reward gentle behavior by giving each bird a treat, and if either bird puffs up or seems distressed, separate the birds immediately.
- Determine how you will handle it if the birds breed. Cockatiel babies require intensive care and loving homes, so it is unwise to breed your birds unless you are a seasoned bird keeper. If your bird does lay eggs, give her extra food to compensate for the extra calcium and protein she lost making the eggs, and simply remove the eggs from the cage without incubating them. This prevents them from hatching.
- Train your cockatiels to approach when you call them. This makes it easier to stop fights, to keep both cockatiels under control during play time, and to keep the birds safe: Give your bird a treat every time you say her name for a time. Then, place a treat on your hand, say your bird's name and encourage her to approach. Continue rewarding your bird every time she approaches you after hearing her name -- and never call her name to punish or yell at her.
- Protect the birds when they are out of their cage. Catching one cockatiel in an emergency is challenging enough, but catching two is nearly impossible. Close all doors, and keep dogs and cats away from the room. Remove any wires or other items that could injure your cockatiels.
Source: ehow
Author: Brenna Davis
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